17 Acres Table

17 Acres Table

Tree and Plant Table, Parrot Reserve SouthWest
Plants noted (did not note and identify all):
Found in following habitat (see text for description)
Dry karst South Abandoned
Forest Bluff Edge Farmland Family Species
Agave yes Agavaceae Agave caymanensis
Broadleaf Boraginaceae Cordia sebestena var.caymanensis
Clitoria tern. Leguminosae Clitoria ternatea
Bamboo Grass Poaceae Lasiacis divaricata
Banana orchid Orchidaceae Myrmecophila thompsoniana var. minor
Bullhoof yes Fabaceae Bauhinia divaricata
Bitter Plum yes Euphorbiaceae Picrodendron baccatum
Christmas bloss. Asteraceae Lepidaploa divaricata
Cabbage tree yes Nyctaginaceae Guapira discolor
Peperomia spp? Piperaceae
Candlewood Rutaceae Amyris elemifera
Chalice Vine yes Solanaceae Solandra longiflora
Cissus trifoliat yes Vitaceae Cissus trifoliata
Clusia yes yes Clusiaceae Clusia rosea, flava
Cockspur Fabaceae Ceasalpina bonduc
Cherry yes Myrtaceae Myrcianthes frgrans
Duppy Bush yes Yes Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus angustifolius
Exothea yes (small) Sapindaceae Exothea paniculata
Fiddlewood yes yes (dead) Verbenaceae Petitia domingensis
Fig(alba) yes yes Moraceae Ficus alba
Harrisia gracilis Cactaceae Harrisia gracilis
Headache bush yes Capparaceae Capparis cynophallophora
Jeremiah Bush Salicaceae Zuelania guidonia
Lancewood Rubiaceae Randiaaculeata
Licorice Leguminosae Abrus precatorius
Mahoe yes yes Malvaceae Malvaviscus arboreus var.cubensis
Mastic (yellow) Sapotaceae Sideroxylon foetidissimum
mango (blossoming) Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica
Manchineel Euphorbiaceae Hippomane mancinella
Parrot Bill Nyctaginaceae Pisonia aculeata
Phyllanthus nutans yes yes Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus nutans
Pepper cinnamon Canellaceae Canella winterana
Pickle Wood yes yes Rubiaceae Guettarda elliptica
Pilosocereus s. yes yes Cactaceae Pilosocereus swartzii
Plumeria yes yes Apocynaceae Plumeria obtusa
Pompero Sapindaceae Hypelate trifoliata
Pilostes globosa yes Apodanthaceae Pilostyles globosa
Rat Wood yes yes Erythroxylylaceae Erythroxylum rotundifolium
Red birch yes yes Burseraceae Bursera simaruba
Rosemary Euphorbiaceae Croton linearis
Spanish Elm yes yes Boraginaceae Cordia gerascanthus
[“Japanese lantern vine”]
White Fiddlewood yes Verbenaceae Citharexylum fruticosum
Silver thatch yes Palmae Coccothrinax proctorii
Strawberry yes Myrtaceae Eugenia axillaris
Smokewood Erythroxylylaceae Erythroxylum areolatum
Snake berry yes yes Celastraceae Crossopetalum rhacoma
Shakehand yes yes Salicaceae Xylosma bahamense
Scorn-the-ground Viscaceae Phoradendron rubrum
Tillandsia balbisiana Bromeliaceae Tillandsia balbisiana
Wild Cinnamon yes Euphorbiaceae Croton nitens
Tacoma stans Bignoniaceae Tecoma stans
Tillandsia spp Bromeliaceae
Whitewood yes Bignoniaceae Tabebuia heterophylla
Wild sapodilla yes Sapotaceae Sideroxylon salicifolium
Wild cocoplum Euphorbiaceae Savia erythroxyloides
Wild plumeria? Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana laurifolia
Wash Wood Theophrastaceae Jacquinia proctorii
Yellow sanders Rutaceae Zanthoxylum flavum




(We thought this land type would be the most bio-diverse) (Amazing for exposed situation) (A number which surprised us)

1. Note-takers skipped the grasses and some other categories
2. Our botanical knowledge is quite limited
3. We did not attempt to be exhaustive in any case, but to do a quick survey of each transect. See text.

Hugh O’Gara, J.W. Platts, February 2010
National Trust, Cayman Brac District