Natural Science Activity, Spring 2011

Natural Science Activity, Spring 2011

These findings (by an informal group of explorers) demonstrate the wonders of our native “bush”, to be discovered simply by walking into it with an open mind, a notebook and a digital camera.


Verbesina caymanensis Sites found further west than previously known. More work is needed to establish the range.
Yellow nicker Two versions of this Cockspur relative have been found, and recorded in full. They were not previously listed.
Duranta erecta Known as Forget-Me-Not in a neighboring country, this was discovered to be here by a local Trust member. It has been entered in the national herbarium.
Adelia ricinella This tree was not previously known to be present on Cayman Brac.
Metopium toxiferum The Poison tree was found in a small area, not likely to be explored by any but the most serious bush whackers. Its presence here was not previously recorded.
Buxus bahamense Found by a visitor while walking with our local study group, this is now known to be here as well as on our sister island.
Sapindus saponaria Up to now this soapwood species was considered an import. There is now some evidence that it may have arrived naturally, perhaps eons ago. Further work is needed.

A spider that makes a web in the form of a funnel going down a hole has not yet been identified.
Rare birds have been sighted but all have been recorded in the past. Migration dates reported in Birds of Cayman Brac by former Brac resident Keith Prescott have proved to be very reliable.

The value to our lives of our woods and forests are better recognized each day. The value to the denizens is life itself, and we are included! Our bush needs protection. The above discoveries have been conveyed to the competent authorities.


On behalf of informal study groups, May 2011


Funnel Web

Yellow Nickers

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